New rules proposed to enforce equal insurance coverage for behavioral health

The Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and the Treasury announce rules to better enforce the 2008 Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, supporting insurance coverage for behavioral health services. The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) is a U.S. federal law that was enacted in 2008 as an amendment to […]
How one nonprofit is addressing mental health issues in Tonopah

Tonopah resident Boonn Hem is working to bring mental health support to the community through her work with [Foundation for Recovery’s Recovery Corps project]. The nonprofit organization provides mental health and substance abuse services to any adult age 18 and older in Nevada. “Community is what I’m working on in Tonopah right now,” Hem said. […]
Ex-addict who found hope at Mission High now eager to help others

A small crowd quieted as Landynn Meyers stepped up to the microphone at an event commemorating the victims of drug overdoses. “My name is Landynn; I’m kind of nervous,” he said before diving into a painstaking summary of his young life: the abuse that led him to start drinking and smoking marijuana, the harder drugs […]
CBS Las Vegas: County Commissioner Hosting Addiction Recovery Fair

LAS VEGAS (KXNT) – Commissioner Lawrence Weekly is hosting Serenity Saturday, a recovery resource and information fair for those suffering with addiction from noon to 4 p.m., April 7, at the Pearson Community Center at 1625 W. Carey Avenue. The event will feature on-site private counseling, a syringe exchange, naloxone training, special guest speaker Andre […]